AGROPREMIUN S.R.L. - red beans Cramberry beans Bean beans black beans Rio beans Cinnamon beans Mung beans Dark red portotos GRAIN Soy

“Your agricultural business partner”
Agropremiun SRL a company dedicated to the production, marketing and export of grains in general. Our production is oriented to Beans in all its varieties, as well as Soybeans, Wheat, Corn and Chickpeas. We market the grains of our producer clients and in the same way we intermediate and export to the world.
The best business at the best price
Our products and yours exported to the world. We give greater emphasis to the productive sector since being a producing company we understand its importance in the marketing chain. We combine good commercial, logistical and administrative intermediation, making us the best option.
red beans
Cramberry beans
Bean beans
black beans
Rio beans
Cinnamon beans
Mung beans
Dark red portotos


Corn consumption


piscingallo corn
