Attiki Bee Culturing Co, Alexandros Pittas S.A. - UNIQUE HONEY Greece - GREEK HONEY

Attiki Bee Culturing Co, Alexandros Pittas S.A. - UNIQUE HONEY Greece - GREEK HONEY



From antiquity to the present, honey is not only one of the most tasteful and healthy natural foods, but has also a special symbolic significance. In feasts, it signified fertility and prosperity, whereas in weddings, honey with nuts and nougat was offered to newlyweds and their guests. Moreover, the new year used to start with a cup filled with honey and nuts, together with an olive tree stick, placed on the meal table.

Ever since, honey boosts our well-being, not only nutritionally but also symbolically! It is a natural source of energy, as it is rich in rapidly absorbed carbohydrates. So, it becomes an ally in our challenging everyday routine, contributing to our physical and mental performance.








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