Alimentos Mora Cué S.A. - agricultural and commercial company

Alimentos Mora Cué S.A. - agricultural and commercial company

About us?

Mora Cué Foods is an agricultural and commercial company located in Paraguay, dedicated to connecting the work of thousands of small Paraguayan farmers with different markets around the world. We work committed to the development of the countryside and those who dedicate their hands to tilling the land every day.

Our main mission is to seek to connect the production of superfoods from small farmers in Paraguay with the most demanding markets in the world. We ensure that we have a high-quality product for the final consumer, becoming a safe and reliable company; Likewise, we obtain high quality products, always prioritizing the needs of our clients.

In our plant we operate under the highest quality standards, recording and taking care of each critical point of the process. The BRCGS Food Safety certification guarantees our clients the quality obtained by working under rigorous care and controls.


Our plant is located in the city of Mora Cué, Luque, a few kilometers from the main ports of Asunción. Under high quality standards, we process, clean and store our products until they are exported to the world.


Alimentos Mora Cué S.A.
Paseo Rolón Esquina Virgen del Rosario
110905 Luque
+595 985489952


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