Agrotecnología y Servicios S.A. - Seriousness Compliance with the agreement Good attention Security Trust Trajectory Professionalism

In 1954, Dr. Norberto Ubaldo Busso and Don Pedro Esteban Sobrero, visionary, entrepreneurial and hard-working people, founded Veterinaria Adelia María.
They introduced their children to the world of work, study and business, transmitting to them the values of responsibility and honesty. Therefore, the Méd. Vet. Norberto L. Busso, the Méd. Vet. Miguel S. Sobrero and the Agr. Engineer. Roberto P. Sobrero continued with this family business.
The location of the commercial and administrative premises of our veterinary clinic was moved from one place to another in Adelia María.
Over time, expanding our activity with agricultural inputs and fumigations, we grew in the region as Agro-Veterinaria del Sud SRL.
Constantly innovating and promoting sustainable agriculture, we began to offer grain collection and logistics services, as a fundamental gear to provide a comprehensive service to our clients. We developed a regional company with collection centers, logistics and input warehouses to satisfy the needs of producers. This is how we evolved to what ATS Agrotecnologia y Servicios SA is today.
ATS is a young, dynamic, modern, flexible company that adapts to the needs and demands of our clients. Located in the Pampas region of Argentina, adding value to primary production, the engine of our country’s economy, projecting ourselves towards the world.
We are a company that provides inputs and services for the sustainable development of rural people and our community.
Agriculture is a fundamental piece in planning the future of humanity, if we work together we can create a more sustainable world. That is the home we have dreamed of for 60 years…and we work with our families every day to make it a reality.
We are a company that provides inputs and services for the sustainable development of rural people and our community.
As a family business, different generations work in it, maintaining the values of:
- Seriousness
- Compliance with the agreement
- Good attention
- Security
- Trust
- Trajectory
- Professionalism