Agrosud S.A. - successful commercial transactions

MISSION: To create value to our company and our clients facilitating successful commercial transactions in an efficient and transparent way, providing quality by maintaining a continuous follow-up and widening the range of products and markets.
To defend and increase our international renown, which was achieved thanks to a trustable, creative team with a profund knowledge about our products and markets.
VISION: We aim to be the leading food and non-food product International Broker in our region and to consolidate our participation in the Latinamerican and World markets.
Doing business through Agrosud means:
Agrosud provides access to a great range of products from diverse origins, closing reliable deals, backed by our ample experience and renown.
We provide constant information about markets, alternative suppliers and origins, their reliability, quality and prices; permanent advice on import / export processes.
Agrosud focuses on developing products and markets for our clients, taking advantage on the benefits of long term relations.
Once trades are confirmed, our team of professional brokers and execution experts help assuring that contract terms and conditions are fulfilled.
During execution of trades and until goods are delivered, technical teams provide advice and help solving legal, logistic and quality problems, among others throughout the process.
Agrosud has its head office in Buenos Aires, Argentina and a subsidiary in Montevideo, Uruguay. Agrosud has affiliated companies in Brazil, Chile, China, France, Indonesia, Peru, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, Vietnam, UK and USA.