A beautiful fairy tale
Once upon a time there was the Agrimperiale, an ancient empire in which the taste, tradition, people and flavors of the typical products of Puglia were protected. At the center of this empire stood a white castle surrounded by endless fields of olive trees, artichokes, aubergines, courgettes, cherry tomatoes, fennel, carrots, peppers… To tell it like this, our company would seem like a fairy tale, yet it has fairy-tale features.
The Agrimperiale is:
a company in love with the country of Italy, its flavors, its traditions; a company that does not want to bow to the logic of the market, purely focused on pricing policies; products that convey the true taste and flavor of the land that gave birth to them, without artificial preservatives, colorings and any sort of alchemy designed to dissolve and obscure that same natural flavor; a group of people who do not understand why artichokes, tomatoes or courgettes should be imported from abroad, humiliating the prices and operators of the Italian market, when there are farmers who have cultivated our land with sacrifice and passion for entire generations; a team of managers who do not accept to see products grown abroad, with much laxer laws and quality controls than in Italy, equated with products from a country that has a world record in terms of controls and rigor in the agri-food market; a company that wants to prevent a food grown abroad with pesticides or products banned in Italy due to their danger from arriving on your table, without you knowing anything about it; a company that believes in the value of people and that forms a group with the farmers in its supply chain, a short supply chain guaranteed by aggregation contracts and which adopts rigorous production regulations; a company that despises genetically modified products and invests in research and development of healthy products that can improve your life and that of your loved ones while maintaining its authenticity; a company that considers itself a big family, where employees are resources to be valorised and not fruits to be squeezed; a company that knows you, that knows what you are looking for simply because it is a company made up of people like you, who have the same doubts as you, the same attention as you in choosing the products to bring to the table, to guarantee the health of their children and who understands the great responsibility that weighs on their work; a company convinced that sometimes we must look to the past, to the values of our grandparents and not just to the future, so that by passing down these values, it is clear to future generations who we are and what sacrifices we come from; a company convinced that every food product sold in the European community must indicate the place of cultivation unambiguously, so that they cannot be sold as Italian, products that have very little Italian about them, without you knowing anything about it. This is the Agrimperiale.
extra virgin olive oil